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    Newsletter 05-06-24

    Tuesday, May 7, 2024


    Medium Boesmanis
    Hey Folks,

    Got a few new imports including new items on my guppy restock, plus some Florida fish I haven't seen in quite a while.

    Medium boesmani rainbows came in today and they're one of the nicest fish on the farm. They're going to sell out about as soon as I send this email but I'll try to get more. Featherfin rainbows are in stock for the first time in months. They aren't as big and bright as a yellow or turquoise rainbow but they are every bit as showy just in a different way. These fish never stop showing off. The males are constantly courting their females and sparring with each other. One of my favorite fish to take to a trade show because they are out and about and fired up the whole time I'm there. Some other new local fish include medium electric blue acaras, acei cichlids, and Florida neon swords.

    Black Endler's are in stock from my guppy shipment. Really neat variety that's similar to wild-type but with a black spot on the side. A few other guppies include red Endlers, red pandas, red tux, lemons, assorted dumbos, and turquoise blue tails.

    Lionhead goldfish are due in today. These have been in very short supply, but there's a lot available right now. A few other new fish include red honey gouramis (they got a lot smaller), assorted oscars in a couple sizes, albino and red tiger oscars, small bala sharks, and a ton of new bettas.

    Various fish that stood out in today's walk-through include diamond tetras, silvertips, gold white clouds, black phantom tetras, Lima shovelnose, albino paleatus, green swords, red tux swords, opaline gouramis, galaxy rasboras, orange von rios, Texas cichlids, and great size yellow Labs.

    Please give a call if you have any questions.


    Joe Hiduke
    Director of Sales & Marketing

    Featherfin Rainbows
    Florida-bred and back in stock
    Got very limited numbers or archers available today
    Medium EB Acara
    Black Endler's
    Highfin Redtail Black Variatus
    Penguin Tetras
    Rosy Tetras
    Reptile & Amphibian Highlights
    Florida-collected yellow rats and Everglades rats are available this week. Look at your price and temper your expectations on the glades rats, these aren't going to be show-quality ten generation captive bred selected for orange. They're going to be a little more orange than a yellow rat. South Florida yellow rats are underrated in the trade, they show great color when they're adults. They'll probably bite you but they'll get over that. They might eventually stop musking you too which is worse than them biting you.

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    Yellow Ratsnake
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    Destiny ext 299
    Nick ext 215
    Steven ext 296

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