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    Newsletter 1-03-25

    Friday, January 3, 2025


    Leopards are the best looking discus as usual.  They command a higher price, but it's worth it.  Especially when you consider how great these look as adults.
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    News & New Items
    Hey Everyone,

    Hope you all had a great Holiday Season and a happy New Year!  We're excited that it's behind us now and the several weeks of ridiculous packing and shipping schedules are a thing of the past at least until next Christmas week.  

    It's finally the busy season!  For those of you new to the industry that opened a store in the last year, January through March are the 3 best months of the year for fish sales, and you really need to be putting in 100% effort the next 3 months to make as much money as you can to carry you through the relatively dead time during the Summer.  Bring in fish you wouldn't normally carry that you might think are "too expensive for your area", you might be surprised what people will buy when they get a tax return check in the mail.  Stay fully stocked on all your bread and butter (12 of a tetra or barb is not fully stocked, that's enough for 2 customers to purchase a few).  Run specials every week and advertise it on social media.  Keep the tanks clean and presentable.  The extra work now will pay off.

    On the wholesale side, we also recognize this is the busy time and we will start bringing in more unusual stuff that we might not try in July or September.  This first full week back after the holidays we're focusing on getting the normal stock back 100% and making up for the past couple weeks of challenges with importation, so we have a TON of imports that have shown up already.

    Siamese algae eaters, tiger badis, archerfish, glass catfish, flowerhorns, spiny eels, bamboo shrimp, TR ghost knives, cardinals and rummynose are all coming in great numbers right now to restock.  Should be good on all of those for this week as long as they don't get sick in the colder weather that's supposedly on our way here for next week. 

    Singapore brought us some more of the newly added Venezuelan Orange Cory that are super cool.  For those of you that haven't tried them yet, it's a fantastic new TR cory cat that looks way better than most other species.  Also got plenty of dwarf puffers, honey gouramis, SIX different strains of discus (plus an assortment), and more Rasbora hets.  From a second supplier out of Singapore we restocked on dwarf frogs, tiger parrotfish, galaxy rasboras, sparkling gouramis, and fancy shrimp of a few different colors.  

    Colombia didn't have anything unique for us this week, but the important stuff is all here now:  clown and rubber plecos, farlowellas, oto's, both pictus cats, zebra and snowball plecos, silver dollars, BB cats, gold tetras, and agasizzi and skunk cory cats.  

    All in all, it's a pretty substantial bump to the stocklist this week from the last two weeks....I think all new fish being added that were previously sold out will add almost an entire page to our list's length.  If you were holding off on shipping anything during the holiday weeks, you'll be able to get fully stocked on everything you need from us this week easily.  Also, real quick, just wanted to let everyone know we did some digging in our new website, and found a way to easily put the specials prices on the website again.  So going forward, you will see specials online and not just in this PDF.

    Give your rep a call if you have any questions! 


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    Rosy Tetra are the biggest and nicest I've ever seen here.  Much better than the Candy Cane tetras, and I've never even considered saying that in the past.
    We've been importing Black Neons since the Florida farmers are out of them at the moment.  Size is still perfectly acceptable on the imports.
    HUGE Bloodfin tetras
    HUGE Black skirt tetras (the highfins are not as big, get the normal fin type) 
    World record sized Ember Tetras.  Huge and bright, exceptional fish
    Wild Colombian Gold Tetras are super bright and shiny.  Fun fact:  They get the gold color from a symbiotic parasite they get in the wild (doesnt hurt the fish at all).  When you tank-raise these fish, they're just a boring silver color.  So these are always wild caught.  
    Redeye Tetras are being imported currently as well, and good size.  Super bright red eyes and a nice reflective sheen to the body.
    Von Rio Tetras are finally back, as well as the Orange variety.  However, the color is actually better on the standard Von Rio than the Orange.  
    Central/South American Cichlids
    We got 6 varieties of discus stocked this week.  Here's a random fish out of the Assorted tank.  Size is consistent to this guy so they're above average. 
    Red spot gold severum came in extremely nice as always.  These are FL Bred so always have super nice natural coloration without hormone feed.
    Medium black angels are great size at the moment.  Worth getting just the medium instead of shelling out the extra for the large size.  
    Rainbow Cichlids are back at Medium size as well as the regulars we've had for a while.  Mediums have absolutely stunning color, they earn the rainbow name.  
    Red Chili Oscars are just as bright as always. 
    Still have a couple of these medium sized EB Carpintis left.  Grab them before they're gone, color is perfect!
    Restocked the regular-sized Asian-import flowerhorns.  These should look great when they're grown.  There's probably a business opportunity buying these little guys and raising them up to sell at a higher price once they're 4 inches or so.  They have a massive price increase between those sizes.  
    African Cichlids
    Exasperatus are one of my favorite mbunas.  Great blue and red color even at regular size on this species. 
    Redfin Borleyi are back from a local breeder, and the fins have some of the brightest red color already.  Super nice inexpensive African cichlid. 
    Medium Hap Moori (Blue Dolphin) are running big and very intense blue adult coloration is already showing. 
    Deep Water Hap AKA Electra.  I wish we had an adult to show a picture of, they would have sold out 2 months ago.  
    Small sized Green Phantoms are very bright and have great looking fins.  Bigger adults tend to have torn fins due to fighting.  
    Royal Plecos have nice red eyes, I know some of you always ask about that. 
    Colombian Zebra plecos are above average size.  These are much easier to keep than the "true" zebras, and can also be bred in captivity. 
    Colombian Snowball pleco.  No, I don't know what L-number they are.  Honestly I think the collectors just sell us any "black pleco with small white or yellow spots" as a "snowball" for the same price.  Here's a picture of what they look like.  Whatever species they technically are, they're worth the price.  
    Farlowella came in really good size this week.  
    Skunk Cory cats are called "arcuatus" on the stock list.
    Punctatus cory are the largest of the wild cory cats available this week.
    Hot Picks of the Week
    Hawaiian Variatus are a relatively new one for us, and they've been super popular.  Look at the color!  These are some of the best looking livebearers. 
    The ever-popular Pea Puffers are back! This is one of those fish that everyone should be keeping 25-50 in stock of at all times.  They're cheap, they sell extremely well, and they're hardy so you don't have much risk of losing them.  Plus 50 can be kept in even a 10 gallon tank for sale. 
    Blue Paradise are back to being Florida bred again, and have perfect coloration and good size.  One of the most underrated community fish.  
    It's been a few months at least since I've seen these here....Neon Gold Rosy Barbs.  Color is much brighter than on a normal rosy barb, even the females are bright yellow.  
    Calico 2.5 Inch goldfish look a lot better than normal.  Lots of bright orange color, usually they're more white than orange. 
    Mixed medium mollies are looking nice and healthy.  There's a few kind of plain silver/brown ones in there, but not many.  if you order the mix you'll get a good variety of fish, and for UPS customers it ships MUCH more efficiently to have 24 mixed in one bag compared to 6 each of 4 different colors in 4 different bags.  
    Crimson Spotted Rainbow are a little less common, and get huge.  They're already 3 inches here and will get twice that size.
    Goyder River rainbows look great but have a terrible name.  Call them Kaleidescope Rainbows or some other dumb name like that and they'll sell faster. If you think that doesn't work, just look at a coral frag stock list and read off those SPS names.  
    Got a really good number of Bamboo shrimp in.  Normally pretty limited, but we should have enough to last through Thursday this week.  
    Please let us know if you have any questions.

    Nick ext 215
    Steven ext 296
    813.315.0116 fax
    Nautilus Online Ordering

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