Hey everyone,
We hope you all had a happy New Year! I'm certainly happy myself, no more weeks where we can only ship 2 days. Everything's back to normal now, and you can order for arrival Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday now again like usual. No restricted schedule also means no restrictions for bringing IN fish to sell to you, so the importations have ramped up dramatically for this hopefully very busy next 3 or 4 months.
Exciting fish you haven't seen on our stock list in a while include some Redtailed Goodeids (my personal favorite, i breed these in my fish room at home. like a rare, wild form of platy that gets much bigger and has good color) and Tiger badis! Also, we got a good sized batch of the super popular Black/Green Avatar Angelfish coming in again as well. Those sold out in about a day and a half last time, so I expect these to fly out of here again.
From our regular suppliers, we've got ANOTHER great batch of discus to add to what we already got last week. So if you've been waiting for discus, now's a great time. You can make a great assortment from us at the moment. Also got plenty of dwarf puffers and SAE's to stock on up the most important staples.
The biggest news for incoming this week is that we have a Peru shipment arriving sometimes later this week (will be on the Friday email). It's been several months since the last Peru shipment, and this brings the more unusual SA fish like some of the less common catfish, pencilfish, marbled hatchets, maybe even some cichlids/apistos, and lots of other in-demand fish. I don't have an invoice from the collector yet, so i don't know exactly what's arriving, so make sure to check our Friday email for details and they'll be available next week.
In the same line, we also have a huge collection of rare SA and CA cichlids coming in from a specialty breeder. Unfortunately he's bringing them over tomorrow, so we couldn't get pics yet for this email. But trust me, if you're into rare fish, you won't want to sleep on this. We will have species available that you've probably never even heard of before, and some of these are his personally collected breeding colony fish that he brought back from Central America himself years and years ago. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to get this stuff if you're into this sort of thing. Fish like, for example, adult breeders of his Gold Jaguars and adult breeders Rheoheros lentiginosus. You've definitely never had a chance to buy fish like this before. And they're going to sell out fast. So tell your rep if you're interested.
Give us a call if you have any questions!
--Steven |
Cichlid highlight video |
I know these were in the Friday email but for those of you who don't check out the Friday email these are the Leopard Discus we got in last we and we got more in last night. These speak for themselves but they are definitely the nicest Discus here right now. |
If you're unsure which discus to get you can never go wrong with the assorted. Usually a pretty good mix of different varieties in there including this guy. |
Longfin Serpaes are super nice at the moment, very intense red color. Not the most flowy fins I've ever seen, but still definitely noticeably longer than the normal Serpaes. |
Orange Von Rio Tetra are back in stock after a month or so hiatus. Always one of my personal favorite common tetras (along with candy canes, silvertips, and black phantoms) |
Neon Swordtails are small, but have good color. Expect about 1 male for every 5 females or so. |
Blue Tiger Parrots look like they just got done eating a full Thanksgiving dinner by themselves. Your customers will love them |
3" albino rainbow sharks are commonly very oversized like this. I cant guarantee you'll get all fish this size, but at least half of them are like this right now in the tanks on Monday. |
Reptile & Amphibian Highlights
Reptiles are back! And the list changed quite a lot from back before the holidays, thankfully. A few really cool, less common animals added to the list along with the bread and butter that you actually order.
Wood turtles are back in stock, always a popular turtle. They're honestly the perfect size pet turtle, and once they get illegal to import these things are going to be $500 each.
Green Ameivas are a super cool, Florida-collected invasive that's an awesome price for a cool looking lizard.
Please join USARK-Florida, even if you're not a Florida resident or business. Membership is free and you can sign up here: USARK-FL Membership. |