Blue Kerri Tetras, White Clouds, Blue Rams, and more staples restocked - Nautilus Stocklist
Hey folks,
I thought the week before last was going to be the only crazy weather event for the year and then I saw the news this morning. Looks like we're in for another cold week, winter storms hitting the south even expecting SNOW into FLORIDA. Thankfully though, it looks like this week the super bad weather is only going to last thorugh maybe Wednesday at the most, and things get a lot warmer Thursday and Friday for most of the country. We're going to recommend that if you need an order this week and you ship via UPS that you ship for arrival Thursday or Friday to avoid issues.
Not a ton of new stuff came in over the weekend, but we're still sitting on a lot of really exciting cool stuff from Peru and Indonesia. We also decided to put the last of the colored up cichlids from several month's back order on special for you this week to clear out those last couple tanks so we can bring in some more new stuff.
Adonis plecos of both sizes, and Peru Altum Angelfish are both still in stock suprisingly, so if you missed them last week you get another chance. Also still have the Peru Lungfish that are perfect tank-size.
New imports that came in over the weekend include some staple stuff that had sold out like the White Cloud Danios, Blue Kerri Tetras, Tiger Botias, Lionhead Goldfish, and Bamboo Shrimp.
Give us a call if you have any questions!
--Steven |
5"-6" fire eel looking absolutely perfect |
Regal Peacock - on special, only have a few left! Been here in our bare bottom tank with nothing to hide behind for 4 months and STILL are this colorful. |
Sunshine peacocks same thing, only a couple left, on special to move the last few pieces. Still very nice color |
Peru altum angels might not be "true" altums but they're still very cool looking wild angels. The color is about the same as a TR silver, the vertical black bars.....but they act totally different from tank raised fish, and some have spots in the back area. |
1"-1.5" LF Bushynose are the nicest i've seen in a while. Slightly oversized, especially if you measure to the tip of the tail like we're supposed to. |
LG Adonis are still stunning. Have nice streamers on all of them. |
HF Black Skirt Tetra. Might be a world record fish here. They're not all this big, but they're definitely running large. They're probably the best option if you need to fill space as cheaply as possible (like for a maintenance account) |
Candy Cane MM Platy came in over the weekend looking great. Definitely top 3 best platy at the moment. |
Snakeskin barbs are pretty small, but already showing excellent color and patterns. Often overlooked in favor of tiger barbs, but these SHOULD be the more popular fish. They look prettier (in my opinion) and are far less aggressive (not in my opinion, just a fact) |
Medium sized Albino Tiger Barbs are super nice looking! Tons of red coloration on these that doesn't really show up much on normal color tiger barbs. |
Reptile & Amphibian Highlights
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