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    Newsletter 12-30-24

    Tuesday, December 31, 2024


    Chili Oscar held up great over the long holiday week and are just as red as when they came in.  Pricier than normal Oscars, but worth the money.  
    No Reptiles or Saltwater available this week. Back to normal next week! = )
    Hey everyone,

    We hope you all had a wonderful holiday with your family and have a great New year in a couple days as well.  Speaking of New Years, we will be closed for it, but then reopened on Thursday to pack orders again.  That means you've got until Close of business (5PM Eastern Time) Tuesday to get your orders to your sales rep to pack Thursday for Friday arrival.  There's a slim chance that on Thursday they MIGHT let us do a late add-on if you sent your order in on Wednesday

    We don't have a ton to report on new items today, but we did get in restocks yesterday and today to get back up and running like normal again after these hectic holiday weeks.  

    Colombia actually came in today, it usually arrives Wednesday but we had it land early to make sure we had fish for Thursday pack.  Fully stocked on all of the staples you need like cory catfish, pictus, otocinculus, farlowellas, sharks, clown and rubber plecos, zebra and snowball plecos, and much more.  

    Sri Lanka and other Far-East arrived yesterday and have more landing later today with guppy restocks, platy and molly restocks, plus plenty of fun stuff like archerfish, spiny eels, rummynose and cardinals, discus, dwarf puffers, galaxy rasboras, big panda garras, and shrimps 

    We apologize for the brief update here, but we think the most important thing right now was getting this email out ASAP so that everyone can have the specials and updates in time to build their orders for this week since we're down to the final 24 hours already.  

    Thankfully, everything is back to normal next week with no more closures, no more reduced shipping schedules, and no more stress!

    Give us a call if you have any questions!

    Wait....holy..... is this real?  Had to double check and make sure I didn't accidentally crank the saturation or edit the photo first.  Yeah, this is actually what parkinsoni rainbow males look like at the moment.  Get them before they're not like this next batch!
    Reg turq rainbow are probably the best value rainbow at the moment.  Straight from the ponds so color is still super dark and beautiful, but you'll definitely want to hit them prophylactically with some anti-bacterial just in case to keep them from getting the white mouths a few days after arriving.   
    Australian Rainbowfish are the cheapest rainbow available and I think get overlooked often due to that fact.  They're no doubt a stunning fish in their own right, however.  They're hybrids made by Florida farmers decades ago, so that's why the price is so low on them compared to the pure strains. 
    red & blue tetra AKA Colombian tetra are fantastic size.  You have to squint to see the color, but the size makes up for it for sure
    Diamond tetra came in really great size this week
    Florida-bred Painted Swordtails are phenomenal.  Definitely the best swordtail to buy this week.  If your order contains only neon or Green swords and not these, you're missing out.  These don't come around often and those more "popular" strains are only more popular because your customers don't know these are an option.
    EB Texas/Carpintis Florida bred aquarium strain line, not pure local or species but look amazing and are relatively inexpensive and that's all that really matters.  Great medium sized cichlid for a 75 gallon or so tank fully grown.
    Regular sized firemouths came in very nice this week with plenty of color already coming through at this smallish size.
    Reptile & Amphibian Highlights
    No reptiles available to ship this week unfortunately, since we are closed Wednesday we won't be able to pick them up Wednesday night for your orders packing on Thursday like normal. 

    Please join USARK-Florida, even if you're not a Florida resident or business. Membership is free and you can sign up here: USARK-FL Membership.
    Contact Your Sales Rep

    Destiny ext 299
    Nick ext 215
    Steven ext 296

    Karen ext 218

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    Nautilus Wholesale · PO Box 1656 · Plant City, FL 33564 · USA