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Hey Everyone,
Lots and lots of super nice Florida fish in this week! From bread-and-butter running large like the Diamond Tetras below, to ultra high-end OB Peacocks, we've gotten more nice local fish than I've seen arrive at the same time in a while.
Far East wasn't shy on restocks as well as a couple of long awaited items such as Purple Het Rasboras. These always sell very well despite their diminutive size. Speaking small but beautiful we got in more Scarlet Badis from not one but two different suppliers this week. That being said we shouldn't have any trouble filling these this week. Also got reloaded on Glass Cats which I'm told are holding are really well which isn't always the case with the. Got in more of the standard Flowerhorns as well as more of the 2.5" Red Pearls. Now while I'm not convinced that these are all true since I have found a few Thai Silks in the mix, they're a terrific value as they just slightly more than the regular Flowerhorns. And last but definitely not least we got in another great shipment of Discus this week. You'll see from the pics below there isn't a bad choice no matter what variety you go with.
Check out the pictures and writeups about the specifics below and give your rep a call if you have any questions
Diamond Tetras are absolutely huge, probably the best I've ever seen, You definitely need to be ordering that. |
Balloon Red Eyes are back in. Normal red eyes are short supply (AKA, not available) so this is the best we can get right now. |
Gold Neons are back in stock, Florida bred and running super oversized. This color stands out better against dark backgrounds than normal neons. |
Lemon Tetras are due in Sunday night. They'll probably sell out [pretty quick since they usually do. Very popular fish since they're yellow and schooling. |
Serpae Tetras look great and have plenty available. |
LF Serpae are even better than the normal serpae. |
Flamingo Guppy, one of the better looking mostly red guppies available. |
Green Dragon Dumbo Guppy are probably my personal favorite of the guppies right now. Green body with red tails looks sweet |
The Hawaiian Variatus are coming in from the far east lately, and they look really good and have high dorsal fins. However, they're not what you'll see if you google Hawaiian Variatus. This picture is what they look like. |
Sunset Variatus are super nice right now and I would prefer over most platies at the moment. |
Koi Swords got a lot bigger this week. Great time to buy this awesome strain. The tails are completely see-through, so it can be hard to see what's a male and what's not, especially if they're a late-developing male. So order these for the body color, not for the swords. |
Green Sword i think we showcased last week, but they're still running very large. |
Gold Dust LT Molly are back in stock, and always one of my favorite color mollies. |
Needle Gar are a crowd favorite that's back in this week. This batch is slightly smaller than normal, but still great size (5 or 6 inches average). These will eat feeder guppies or frozen meaty foods. |
Scarlet Badis are one of the best possible nano fish. Full grown they're barely an inch, but have stunning color and they'll "fight" with each other and show off without doing any damage. |
Ornate Bichir are back in, About 2.5 inches so pretty small, but already showing plenty of gold spotting color. |
Rhino Gobies came back in with our guppy shipment. Super cheap and unique looking oddball. |
Albino Hoplo cats are back from Indonesia. I bet these look awesome when they're 5 inches. |
It's been a few months but Galaxy Rasboras (CPD's) are back in stock! And this batch is HUGE (or at least as huge as they can possibly be). If you've been hankering to have a tank full of baby Brook Trout, these should scratch the itch. |
Asian bred Flowerhorns have a lot of very "spotty' individuals in the mix like this one. Plenty of red and blue color coming through. About 2 inches. Not sexable, sold as mixed sex. |
Balloon Rams are super bright. I would honestly even lean towards these over the normal blue rams even if I hated balloon fish because they're that much better looking. |
Don't adjust your screen, the new Red Honey Gouramis really are this brightly colored. Best I've ever seen in my life. |
Flagfish are still HUGE. Get them before they shrink down again in the future. |
Snakeskin barbs are an awesome purpleish reddish base color. They're very active, usually very hardy, and definitely an underappreciate fish that should be more popular. |
Brilliant rasboras are relatively cheap schooling fish and have been running double normal size for months now. You should be buying these. |
Purple Rasbora Hets are back! They look more purple our of water than they do in the tank, but still definitely different from normal hets. |
Red Spot Turquoise severums are back and just as nice as the last couple batches. I hope this local breeder never runs out of these, because it's one of the most impressive New World cichlids we can get right now. |
Red Spot Golds are available in two sizes. This one pictured is the medium. Same source as the other severums, very nice. |
Rainbow Severum are listed as medium but are a little undersized but still look super nice. This will be an awesome fish when they get bigger. |
Albino Zebras are looking great at regular size. I love the yellow fins on these, looks super cool. |
Speaking of yellow fins, if you prefer your fish to be non-albino, we've got some nice Aceis for you too. Regular size on these is a little oversized, about 2.5 inches. |
Albino Comps are new for this week. These always sell well. Even the females look awesome when they're albino, so it's a big step up from standard Comps. |
large Assorted Hap. Have some cool hybrids in there like this guy. |
Large Assorted Hap also have plenty of pure-strain fish like this big Blue Dolphin Moorii. |
Assorted Male Medium Peacocks got a restock and there's a couple of these bright pink dragonblood types in there. |
Most of the medium mix peacocks look more like this guy though. Looks to be a Maulana Bicolor. |
Yet another mixed male medium Peacock. Wanted to get plenty in here to show you the variety. |
We brought in some higher-grade OB types in preparation for the Global Pet Expo. We are selling them though if you'd like to grab some super nice stuff. The following pictures are some examples of what we've got in this section. They're all on the list as "Show Peacocks" but obviously to make OB's you have to hybridize with Haps. |
Cobalt |
A nice Leopard that we found in the assorted mix. |
Here's a more typical looking fish from the same assorted mix. Mostly Turq/Snakeskin types like this. |
Pigeon Blood |
Colombian Orange Seam plecos have really settled in nicely. |
Medium Lemon Blue Eye plecos got restocked and are just as nice or nicer than last time. These are perfect size, big enough to breed already but small enough to be in 10 gallon tanks. |
Albino Bushynose Large have some absolutely gigantic males again. The females are less than half the size, and they're mixed sex. We can't send you only males. |
Colombian Snowballs are a little smaller than normal, but will still sell out. |
4 Line Pictus Catfish are a solid 3 inches or larger. I like the super long whiskers on these. And they're very active during the day, unlike most catfish. |